our in-house Built ai Tools selection.

Need to be more efficient?

In the agile world, speed, precision, and efficiency are paramount. That’s why at Agile Fits, we’ve taken a leap ahead. Harness the power of AI and automation to streamline your agile processes and make better, data-driven decisions.

Business Value Chat

Developers, ever found yourselves tangled in the complexities of determining business value? Our Business Value Chat Bot simplifies the process, providing unbiased, data-driven insights.

Objective Evaluations

Ditch the guesswork and get clear, data-backed value assessments.

Efficiency Boost

Save valuable coding time by quickly gauging business worth.

Eliminate Human Biases

Use chatbots to assess business value, ensuring decisions are data-driven and free from human bias. Trust in objective, informed choices.

User Stories Generator AI Bot

Crafting the perfect user story can be tedious. Developers, meet our User Stories Generator AI Bot, your tool to draft precise, relevant, and concise user stories.

Accurate Drafting

No more ambiguities; get clear and actionable user stories.

Fast Refinements

Speed up your sprint planning with AI-powered suggestions.


Maintain a uniform structure for all your user stories, ensuring clarity for all.

Jira to Confluence Auto Reporting

Developers, ever found yourselves tangled in the complexities of determining business value? Our Business Value Chat Bot simplifies the process, providing unbiased, data-driven insights.

Instant Reporting

As you code and update, your Confluence documentation refreshes.

Streamlined Workflow

Less manual intervention means more time for actual development.

Integrated Ecosystem

Enhance your Jira-Confluence synergy without any hitches.

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