Our Story

In the bustling corridors of the tech world, amidst the cacophony of emerging methodologies, we identified a void. An opportunity to bring forth a fusion of innovation and agility. Agile Fits was birthed not merely as a company but as a transformative vision.

Our CEO began a journey in project management with the top telecom company in Canada

The onset of the global pandemic

A significant milestone with 15 consultants actively collaborating with our clients.

Phenomenal growth with 45 consultants actively engaged with our clients

Sealed our pioneering deal with a client seeking to utilize AI for discerning Business Value

Introduction to the Agile methodology, recognizing its distinct edge over traditional Waterfall models

Birth of Agile Fits. Just two months later, we welcomed our first client

A landmark event as we opened our first office in Dubai, UAE

Our AI division is officially launched, redefining our service offerings

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